Die größte Gefahr für unser ALLER Leben und Friede geht dabei nicht von den wenigen wahren Gläubigen, den religiösen Eiferern aus. Man erkennt sie, denn sie verstecken sich nicht. Man weiß, was sie vorhaben, denn es steht in ihren Büchern. Die größte Gefahr sind die religiös Moderaten, ...
"... who give cover to the fundamentalists by not challenging them. The moderates say that all is justified because religion gives people meaning in their life."Links:
“I’ve read the books,” Harris said. “God is not a moderate.”
“We have no reason to expect to survive our religious differences indefinitely. Faith is intrinsically divisive. We have a choice between conversation and war.” It was conversation that ended slavery, not faith. “Faith is a declaration of immunity to conversation. To make religious war unthinkable, we have to undermine the dogma of faith. The continuance of civilization requires not moderation, but reason.”
>> Sam Harris - “The View From The End Of The World” (mp3)
>> FAS: "Mir macht Angst, dass Sie so viel Verständnis haben."
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