
Ein besseres Leben in Second Life?

Second Life ist für viele nur ein Freizeitspaß, für nicht wenige ist es der Ersatz für ein first life, in dem sie mit zum Teil massiven körperlichen Beeinträchtigungen leben müssen.

Second Life has many deaf or hearing-impaired residents -- it's a great environment for them. [...] The handicapped are among some of Second Life's more loyal clientele. You might have Asperger's Syndrome. You might be deaf, or mute, or in a wheelchair, half-blind, living in an oxygen mask, or unaccountably the wrong color in a society where that's a problem. I've met Second Lifers who are all of these things. Second Life lets you communicate like everyone else. It lets you hear and be heard in ways that are not available to you otherwise. It lets you be someone, just like everyone else, for a change. Quite egalitarian.

Aus Who will hear you? Who will hear me?

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